Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pinewood Derby 2009

Last night was the Pinewood Derby for Spencer's Cub Scout pack. We totally forgot about it until the night before. So we made a run to the scout office and got a template. Sariah spent all day craving it out and Spencer painted it when he got home from school. Spencer's car is the yellow on the far left.

Spencer looks a little worried. He should be that black car was fast.

When the graphite had settled Spencer won 2nd. Not bad for a day's worth of work. The black car was faster by .001 of a second depending on the lane. It wasn't even close with the other cars. Spencer was very exicted and loved racing his car. I was surpised how well the car did considering it was put together at the last minute. Maybe dads should let moms build more cars.

Leah helped herself to a cupcake. She was very proud of herself.

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